Thursday, December 01, 2005

thanks for all the fish

Thanks for listening all you guys.

Today there is dull yellow light on my desk , annoying clients in the conference room, leftovers of stress headache, paul oakenfold screaming ready steady go in my ears and the hope of an early evening out of office..

good stuff this oakenfold, shall download some more.

I ws surfing blog-hopping the other day and reached ateyas blog.. was reading her post about the teststerone spilling out from LOTR all over the train.. the words flowed and flowed.. i think along with the testosterone, little black letters also came spilling out from LOTR into her fingers, only difference is that they werent as boring as testosterone and they had their own quality..

i think here shoudl be a blog database... like a large database with millionsof categories.. and everyones blog featured on it.. yknow telephone directory types.. great reading material and absolutely the best place for media guys to find good writing talent i think.

Maybe it should be marketed as a job site of sorts... thats how the website would make money also. Pay a small premium to showcase your blog
(much much more flexible than the traditional resume format) to ad guys, publishers etc. take money from prospective employers to place ads.. the whole thing..

now who would give me money to develop and market this?

'Ambassador of Kwan'
- Must have moolah enough to buy a small country
- Must completely believe that I could be the founder member of Ideas Alchemist Inc.
(tagline: ideas that turn green to gold - of course ill only market to America!. thats where the money is people!! not to mention millions of extremely stupid consumers)
- Must believe in me so much that he signs a
no-hard-feelings-if-idea-flops-badly contract with me

please contact me at

Thats all folks!

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