Friday, July 08, 2011

murmurings of a meghana

on taking a break
After 3 odd years of being crazy busy, i finally took a break, sabbatical, whatever. But i don't have any exciting travel plans yet. Apparently that makes me some kind of loser. Even inside my own head. We (i mean me and people like me, you know who you are) are all so fixated on squeezing the very last drop of juice out of life that even choosing to do nothing on a holiday that we've earned is labelled as a waste of time. So I've started reading Bertrand Russel's 'in praise of idleness' essay hoping to find well, some kind of validation for the choice to do nothing. Let's see where that goes.

on the word 'poetry'
So i write poetry of some kind occasionally. but every time i say that word, i cringe. It feels kind of pretentious to say 'i write poetry' when all i really want to say is some simpler, less-loaded word for 'short bursts of careless, grammatically incorrect, garbled streams of thought'. because that's all that it is really. And its enough.

On the 'what-if' question

When someone starts a sentence with what if?, i know its going to be good. because what if always precedes an idea. And ideas make everything more interesting. You start talking, it becomes a conversation and then a possibility and maybe even a plan. Just like that. All because someone said what if. I'd recommend asking the what if question at least twice a day without thinking too much about it. Because you never know what's going to happen.

back soon, gym now :)