Saturday, July 31, 2010

there will be blood

there will be blood

on the hands of those

who deny justice

who fall prey to vile manipulations

& selfish desires 


There will be blood 

on the hands of those

who take away years & years

of hope & hard work 

with a single wicked tear 


There will be blood 

on that hands of those

who blind with morality 

who shatter a ray of light 

with a double edged sword 


there will be blood

you have been warned



Posted via email from trippyhippy's posterous

Saturday, July 10, 2010

where is the beauty?

lifelong dreams 

tantalizingly close & slipping away fast 

sinking deep into the clutter 

of the things we don't need 

of the people that don't matter 

of illusions of ourselves

of a million pointing fingers 

& role models & doppelgangers  


the words are trapped

by eyes waiting & watching

by tentacles of argument

by conflicts of relevance & beauty 

by too many choices

by too many to please 


No matter how much blood

no matter how many screams

no matter how dark & rich 

the scene becomes

its always the same 

lies wrapped in red lipstick 

nothingness covered in satin sheets 

& real beauty hidden in a cloak of shame



Posted via email from trippyhippy's posterous