- how samosa killer aka bad ass mofo aka as yet untitled met the king of good minds – Idea the bulb …..
(note : all wrongs reserved, any multiplication of this monstrosity will invite sever punishment in the form of listening to the opera for 3 hours, or the hit indi puke song “eh papi” ( for the unitiatied – papi means sinner and not some hybrid or feminine version of the Punjabi _ pape, although with words like kudi and chak de its an easy mistake to make ) whichever is worse at a given time
in one of his oil filled fantasies ( to note at this time – these chronicles gave been passed by the board of smoky soirees and sordid stories and has been given a pg rating) the great and giving Sk found his answer to all problems his talcum powder to cover his sweaty odors, his foot cream to get rid of the samosa sores rising rapidly on the inner sole of his left toe , his tongue cleaner of those oily love stains from his beloved samosas… oh you get the picture !
he found the insult giver , the bad boy of brainy behavior – idea the bulb!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(the board of unnecessary and completely nonsensical crap has authorized more than three exclamation marks behind his name and hence the same has been applied )
Idea the bulb had helped him before. Once warming his stomach when in a somewhat odd manner sub zero temperatures hit Hawaii when SK was taking is annual solar skin purifying hydration oxymoronic treatment. The warmth from idea the bulb kept the samosa flavor alive and SK found his will to live and eat again…
Why oh why had he nto thought if hime before? Especially before stuffing his face 3000 samosas in the desperate hope to reach level 6! Purrrrr.. a pussycat meowed from his rear...
So idea the bulb dimmed and cracked a few times especially when bad ass mofo appeared , the stench did cause some discomfort to the bulb causing it to oscillate between turning vomity yellow – green to just cracking into blue billion barnacles..
Eureka!!!!! ( actually the bulb said ‘fucking mother fucking shit!! but that’s been censored since this a pg rated blah blah blah.. psst… who reads this crap anyway?) so idea had an idea and all the world looked super sexy again. He announced in stops and starts , the light and dim language of the ancient Mesopotamian bulbs that they would have a Doobie DooBie doo!!!!!! – the challenge of the stony stars!
The challenge was to correctly demonstrate how a doobie is smoked and the rules do doobiedom. Will the stenos be upto this challenge? In happiness, SK did a few samosasaults ( it’s complicated so don’t ask) while choking on his puke.
Next : return of the stenos – counter theorizing with the master - HYPER BLEE..