Thursday, January 10, 2008

i wrote a half of a story

so i wrote half of of a short story. its not complete yet. but its my first real attempt i think. i always have a tough time finding an ending for the story so i leave them like that and never finish them. i hope this one will be different.

i hope this one will be a first.

i got one bad review though from the one person i showed it to. that made me a bit unsure. but then i decided its not for the world its for me , in typical rejected writer arrogance. hehe

i think this is one of those ' here world, this is how dull my life is ' post .bbut i promise you on the 34th line your world will change. everything will ve revelaed. the truth is out there. stay tuned yahoo and all that jazz.

the truth is i am incredibly bored. people who know me have heard this much too often. i thought about it pretty hard one day. all the synapses in my brain were buzzing around like bees on ecstasy. and then i discovered. I am the kind of person that needs to wake up and have an adventure every single day, mental , physical , emotional any flavour will do. When i dont i get depressed, annoyed , angry , irritable etc etc.

so now you know. it came out lot sooner than the 34th line, but hey thats a good thing. i felt i had to write down my big discovery so i dont lose it inside my head.

so now you know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ist of all,

where is this story?

and 2nd

here's a cool idea:

post 1/2 yr story on some website

and then ask writers to finish it.

only problem is that, then it would be for the world and you as against just for you, which is cool cause its a win win and win situation.